Hello Kickstarter & Indiegogo Backer!
It’s finally here… the day when I get to say that all of your orders have been dispatched!!! (yup, I’m completely losing it with excitement).
To change things up a little and because I really wanted to address you personally, I have recorded a little video/thank you. Please click the image below :)

Awesome, but where’s my order?
You should have received an email from SFC (our fulfillment partner in Hong Kong) that will look like the below screenshot and include all of your details and tracking number. Please check your emails and/or junk folders etc. for a message from: no_reply@mail.sfcservice.com

As a team of one, I’ve had to learn to celebrate the small wins (to get through some pretty challenging times). Although today, I would love nothing more than to celebrate a huge win with you!
To finally know you have yesēco in your home means the world to me, and I would love to see it for real!
If you are happy to share a photo or video of your abode/kitchen with yesēco,
please tag @yeseco.life on Instagram/Facebook or email me directly at hello@yeseco.life.
Honestly, thank you! You’re the best.
Warmest regards ~ Jamie