I hope everyone is well and September is off to a good start :)
I’m just going to jump straight into it and start with an apology... I’m sorry this isn’t a better update and certainly not the news I was hoping to share but unfortunately we’ve encountered further delays with perfecting the final moulds. No one is more disappointed than me and I want to assure you that we are trying our absolute best to move things along as quickly as possible.
On a positive note, the obstacle from last month, you remember the thread shadow problem and those pesky lines appearing where they shouldn’t be… well this has been fully resolved YAAAAAAY! I’m beyond stoked that we took the extra time to get this sorted because the new samples/tests are looking much MUCH better.
So, what’s the latest hurdle?
We’ve now encountered a small tiny ‘lip’ appearing at the base of the handle between the middle section and the end. These two parts screw together to house the magnet and should appear flush. (See pic below)

Due to the sections (middle and end) having different plastic volumes, they cool at different speeds and therefore have slightly different shrinkage rates. When the plastic sections are forced out of the mould they can put stress on the parts and ever so slightly change the shape which in turn creates the unwanted lip.
Although this lip/edge looks minor, it sits right in the palm of your hand and over time could be rather frustrating and let’s face it, less than perfect! I figure we have the time now to sort it out so together with my team of experts we’re going to find a solution.
So, what’s the plan then?
Together with the team at People & Things (Australia) and our manufacturers in China, we are back to the drawing board. As I type, both parties are going through the long list of variables that occur between the moulds and the injection moulding machine during testing so that we can find the exact cause and then implement a way forward.
Once again I’m really SORRY that I couldn’t deliver better news. I can’t stress enough that we are doing everything we can to make this dream a reality and get your pledges fulfilled as soon as possible! Who knew that a simple dish brush could be this complicated?!
Many thanks for your continued support and patience… until the next update.
Chat soon ~ Jamie